To initiate actions towards upliftment of the economically and socially
downtrodden through active participation in income generation programs.
To ensure women participation in decision making and implementation of
community development works in co-ordination with their male counter parts.
Leading to an overall improvement in health, social wellbeing and empowerment of
the community.
To ensure economic sustainability and economic freedom to women,
To act as a strategic player in guidance, facilitation and supporting the
community with felt need of the people who will enable communities to be stronger
and sustainable.
- Provide information and education; regarding children’s rights, adult
education/literacy training for women and girls.
- Provide Support to poor from Poverty to Prosperity.
- To provide education and information to foster orphans and other vulnerable
- To educate people on discrimination against orphans,Dalits,women and other
vulnerable children.
- To equips the women and the female youths with vocational skills/handiworks.
- HIV/AIDS prevention education, care and support.
- To provide practical and social support for orphans, women and other vulnerable
- Research policies covering the orphans, children and women in local, district,
national and international levels.
- Make general public aware of helping them to build up welfare nation.
- Awareness, Organization Building - Gender equity.
- Healthcare Awareness and service.
- Encourage formers to attain sustainable agriculture with traditional agriculture
- Small Savings and credit.
- Social justice, equality and economic development program for women empowerment.
- Collaborate with panchayats,banks & other NGOs etc in implemental schemes.
- Drastic measures against Alcoholism and harmful drugs.
- To empower rural poor, oppressed and the exploited.
- To enrich, enhance and manage local human potential.
- Enabling socio economic development of poorest of the poor.
- Encouraging people’s role and participation in social change and development.
- Capacitating them to fight for their rights.
- ringing peace and harmony among people.
- To bring environmental awareness among people.
- Guidance and supports to all for better life.
- Empowerment of women and children.
- ld age(senior criticizes) and disabled welfare schemes.
- To promote self employment and poverty alleviation programs.